Forums - Freaking Blackheart!!! Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Freaking Blackheart!!! ( Posted by ytwojay on 07:31:2001 07:58 AM: Freaking Blackheart!!! ok, now im having a serious problem with blackheart. basically, i need to know how to beat him. there's this guy who i played who uses blackheart and cyke, and you know the pattern, super jump, goblins, land, kick, kick, call assist, super jump, repeat. I run a cable/sent/XXX, with capcom if i run into rushdown or blackheart players. but for some reason, i can never get my capcom assist to hit this guy! he's always on me, and he keeps me in block stun for a long time, leaving me with only a small window to super jump or get out. and when u do super jump, i cant hit him, or he hits me first, or his cyke assist hits me. i almost always have cable on point, and i always get pushed back into the corner and chipped or infinited to death. how do i deal with this? -jay ^_^ Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:31:2001 08:20 AM: Does he do the Inferno xx HOD chip? If so, just AHVB him. If he has Doom, that's a little more problematic, but if you stick some AAA you should be alright. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:31:2001 09:35 AM: Stay on the same horizontal level as Blackheart. SJ when he SJs. Cable beats BH (badly) as long as he can keep out from below him. Best place to pushblock against BH/Cyke is the SJ.LK as he lands on you. Also, if your Cable is benched, BH Cyke is vulnerable to counter XX AHVB. And, if he tries to chip you w/ HOD, AHVB that shit. -DFA Posted by Vermilion-GA on 07:31:2001 11:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Stay on the same horizontal level as Blackheart. SJ when he SJs. Cable beats BH (badly) as long as he can keep out from below him. Best place to pushblock against BH/Cyke is the SJ.LK as he lands on you. Also, if your Cable is benched, BH Cyke is vulnerable to counter XX AHVB. And, if he tries to chip you w/ HOD, AHVB that shit. -DFA "What's the secret of life?" God: Just AHVB that shit, man... -Pat Posted by Advent on 07:31:2001 02:37 PM: if you want to try something a little unorthodox, bust out iceman! the demons, or "monkeys" as we call them, get eaten by the fp.icebeam and nail that bh bastard out of the air. also, inferno X hod doesnt chip iceman. so wait him out until he makes a mistake, then exploit! iceman's assist is nice too(proj) great chipping. if that isnt your style, ken's assist works wonders too, its invincible and hits bh right through the demons. Posted by slimenim on 07:31:2001 04:09 PM: first of all, you need a good aaa. capcom, cammy, ken, or even cyke will do. if you start cable, you definately need to keep bh from staying above you. wait for him to call cyke, and retaliate with your aaa to stuff cyke and then jump up with cable and hp, or viper beam on the way down to cover your assist and to keep bh from throwing demons. cable with aaa can give bh some problems. bh cant get close against cables viper beams. bh cant do inferno xx hod cuz if cable takes the hit, he can ahvb bh cuz bh auto dashes after the hod. bh doesnt really have any safe moves against cable except cr. lk lk, call aaa and jump up and throw demons. thats about all he can do against cable. try the team of storm, cable, capcom. storm can avoid bh's demons and inferno xx hod attempts. plus she can stay above cykes aaa. build some meters with storm and wait for a inferno xx hod attempt and then counter xx ahvb. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:31:2001 04:23 PM: Well, with your team you just need to keep from under him as said before, and pushblock often as said before. If you want you could always shove Magnus on your team and do the Blackheart only infinite, but, from what I see that's not your style. Just don't allow him to start that trap, if he does counter someone in. Just make sure that he doesn't get to start it. Posted by RogueSquadron on 07:31:2001 05:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vermilion-GA "What's the secret of life?" God: Just AHVB that shit, man... -Pat I actually agree with this statement because I played a Blackheart player who had a team of Blackheart/Guile/Juggernaut. He knew the infinite very well but he sucked when it came to Juggernaut and Guile so I used Cable on Blackheart match was over. You gotta remember Cable put so much pressure on him with viperbeams it's unreal.Plus you nail him right before he does the Inferno,HOD. Posted by bizounce on 07:31:2001 06:05 PM: Yes, all of this should help you greatly. BH and Cyke is a very good squad. You'd probably not want to try this, but a mirror match always helps as well. It actually helps you find holes if you do the trap yourself for a while. I do this when I'm really really stuck in a trap. I used to always get ran by Strider/Doom teams. I played Strider/Doom for about a week and I found out what weaknesses it has. Know your enemy as well as you know yourself. Just think of this as a learning experience. Someone always comes out with something better and so can you. Posted by Huma on 07:31:2001 06:11 PM: my friend plays a bitchy blackheart team... but he has learned never to think about throwing deamons... the second they start to form, cable is superjumping right alongside him and zapping a beam right through his midsection. now all he can do is jump around and hope time runs out with him having more life. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:31:2001 06:45 PM: Cable/Capcom Cable/Blackheart Cable/Cammy Sentinel/Capcom Sentinel/Blackheart Iceman/Blackheart Posted by Cletus Kasady on 07:31:2001 06:49 PM: Ken's AAA will beat out Cyclops and/or make BH careful when he's at SJ height. Posted by Mr. E on 07:31:2001 06:50 PM: cable rapes bh at point (if he has supers, ugh) and ken/capcom are very effective at preventing him from raining demons. Capcom will probably do a big chunk of damage to clops too. But, again, bh can only effectively hold you down if he's above you, keep on the same vertical plane as him and he'll have difficulty mounting an offense. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:31:2001 06:53 PM: Yeah, Capcom can beat him on point as well. Corridor is an effective weapon, it makes BH think twice about what he's going to do when he's superjumping. Even if it doesn't hit it will make the demons go away. And if it hits, you can cancel into Captain Sword. He wins by turtling, anticipating, and attacking at the right times. Posted by JsTyLe on 07:31:2001 07:55 PM: BH is such a tight character to play as Posted by The_Pickler on 07:31:2001 09:27 PM: i guess the best thing for you to do is use a invincible AAA like ken cause all they seem to do is super jump when i watch and throw out the little boogers. Ken will go right through them and hit him so he has to start playing differently which is prolly enough for you to do your thing plus the hurrican kick gliche will do some good damage and he has that infinite. That is about all i can say from reading everything else and little experience i have. Posted by Vonstar on 07:31:2001 09:46 PM: just use cable. use his jab viper beam and single gunshots and bh can't do shit Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 07:31:2001 09:58 PM: heres a good way to take out BH w/ a aaa assist...but the matches get a bit i use Doom/BH/Capcom...i play doom at point whenever i play agaisnt a i have 2 of the best aaa's in the game to stop runaway and out the BH assist then jump photon array like that and keep him grounded...w/ cable at point have capcom...everytym BH thriws out demons he has HORRIBLE delay after jump up and HVB him or something...thats wt happens to me alot...or do a semi trap w/ cable jump f short viper beam assist etc...u know the basics...who do u play w/?like i mean whos ur team? if i know id be more helpful for strats...otherwise if u got aim IM me...^_^ Posted by ytwojay on 08:01:2001 02:05 AM: well, ive read what you guys have had to say, and here's the deal. there's probably no way im gonna switch my team, unless its something minor. so i wont be runnig a BH or ken or anything. see, i SHOULD be able to take him down with CapCom, right? but for some reason, i just cant get him out, or what i do, hes to far behind. see, what this guy tends to do is superjump backwards a little bit, just outside of capcom's aaa range, throws demons, and dashes forward with more demons, then falling while blocking so he doesnt get hit by my aaa. and even though i TRY to stop his trap from even getting started, he ends up pulling it off anyways. and he usually doesnt use inferno XX HOT unless he has the infinite started, but if he did, when would i be able to counter with AHVB? after the inferno becomes blocked, dont the demons start coming out from the gound right away? or can i AHVB right after i see the inferno blocked? also, if i SJ along with him, supposing i dont get hit by his cyke along the way, what should i go up with? apparently fierce isnt going to work, so should i go with roundhouse? oh yeah, and i ALWAYS start with cable on point, so i wont ever be fighting BH with CapCom... also, lets say he does the basic pattern, jumping demons, more demons, land, kick, kick, cyclops, repeat. when can i call my assist during this? most of the time i am in block stun, and when i do pull CapCom out, he either misses, or gets called earlier than cyke and gets hit. i know you can call assists while in blocking animation, but when? not when the attack is actually landing, right? basically, the major problem i have is stopping the trap from starting and stopping it once it starts. i guess once i have him grounded, i can keep him there, as long as he doesnt catch me with cyke and starts up again. -jay ^_^ Posted by Huma on 08:01:2001 03:38 AM: you could always just start with someone else and use cable's anti-air which has a nasty habit of going all the way to the top of the screen... which coincidentally is exactly where blackhearts live. Posted by GtXbY32 on 08:01:2001 03:40 AM: Re: Freaking Blackheart!!! quote: Originally posted by ytwojay ok, now im having a serious problem with blackheart. basically, i need to know how to beat him. there's this guy who i played who uses blackheart and cyke, and you know the pattern, super jump, goblins, land, kick, kick, call assist, super jump, repeat. I run a cable/sent/XXX, with capcom if i run into rushdown or blackheart players. but for some reason, i can never get my capcom assist to hit this guy! he's always on me, and he keeps me in block stun for a long time, leaving me with only a small window to super jump or get out. and when u do super jump, i cant hit him, or he hits me first, or his cyke assist hits me. i almost always have cable on point, and i always get pushed back into the corner and chipped or infinited to death. how do i deal with this? -jay ^_^ SHUTUP! STOP COMPLAINING! JUST PICK CABLE! Posted by ytwojay on 08:02:2001 05:11 AM: Re: Re: Freaking Blackheart!!! quote: Originally posted by GtXbY32 SHUTUP! STOP COMPLAINING! JUST PICK CABLE! no, i do use him, as my point character. Posted by Naslectronical on 08:02:2001 05:22 AM: Some more ways to beat Blackheart: Doom/anything Cable or Sentinel or Iceman/Ken Strider/Doom/Capcom Spiral/Sentinel Posted by ytwojay on 08:02:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Cable or Sentinel well i run both of em in my team... do you have suggestions on hwo to start the match, so he doesnt get in the air? the only major problem i have is stopping it from starting, then its not so bad. -jay ^_^ Posted by Silver Paladin on 08:02:2001 06:14 AM: Spiral rapes BH badly, especially if he doesn't use Doom as an assist. Just teleport behind him while he's hopping around like a mad monkey, then fill him up with swords. Remember, the key is to stay at the same "level" as BH is. If he's hopping around teleport up there. If he drops, drop as well. Another good reason to use a non-Cable on point is that you can surprise him with the Psimitar Alpha Counter XX AHVB X 3 and nuke his assist chars and even BH if you counter the an Inferno/HoD. Posted by doombh on 08:02:2001 07:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Also, if your Cable is benched, BH Cyke is vulnerable to counter XX AHVB. -DFA What's the right moment to do the CAHVB? Posted by Big Hollow on 08:15:2001 10:21 PM: RIght after the screen pauses for the activation of the HOD. I hate when ppl do that to me..... Long live the Son of Mephisto!!!! Posted by Shoto Skills on 08:16:2001 03:34 AM: okay jus for my reference, when playin cable against bitchheart. when bh does inferno xx HOD, you supposed 2 block the inferno then when he actives HOD your supposed 2 AVHB him right. which means you take da chip from inferno but you hit him b4 he chips you with HOD. am i right? Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:16:2001 03:54 AM: I'm an expert blackheart player and i like him alot!! just look at my name. anyway i play him alot blackheart fears cable, doom, spiral and sometimes sentinel. u use cable?? then u shouldn't have a problem unless ur fighting my blackheart. just jump when he jumps and viper beam him. or u can do the famous, jumpshot grenade repeat. a ken anti air will do u good also capcom. but what isn't capcom good for??? lol All times are GMT. The time now is 10:25 PM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.